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College Park Retail Reinforcement Mini Grant Program

College Park Retail Reinforcement Mini Grant Program

College Park Retail Reinforcement Mini Grant – Route 1 and Purple Line Corridor Relief Fund

Has your retail business been impacted by construction along Route 1 or the Purple Line corridor? Construction impacts can be tough, but the Retail Reinforcement Mini-Grant Program (CPRRG) is here to help you bounce back and grow stronger.

This special grant, powered by PNC Foundation funding, offers $5,000 to $30,000 in quick, accessible financial support for businesses that have experienced operational or financial hardship due to local development activities.

Program Highlights

Who Qualifies?
Small, brick-and-mortar businesses within 0.25 miles of Route 1/Baltimore Ave or the Purple Line in College Park.

What Do You Need?

  • Demonstration of a 10% or greater sales/operations hardship since 2021.
  • Business documentation like licenses, tax returns, and a detailed impact statement.

Why Apply?
Recover lost revenue, cover operational gaps due to development interruptions, and ensure your business’s sustainability in the face of ongoing construction challenges.

Submit your application and receive a decision by February 19th.
Provide supporting documents (e.g., burden statement, sales records, tax returns).

Contact Grants Administration:

Apply Now and Complete the Online Application Form >>

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